We, at ProRomanianVoices, believe that giving back to the community is as important as the business itself. Here you will find some interesting stuff about the “craft” of VoiceOver, small tips on how to be a better voice/client and health advice. We hope you will enjoy this section and feel free to comment on our Facebook page- ProRomanianVoices
Published: 30 Aug 2013
Great demo!... But how great are you?
We recently got in our inbox a great demo. We were thrilled by that delightful sound.. until we had a live meeting.
The demo was great but the performance was… poor.
Here is the problem : don’t put everything in your demo. Try to highlight your strenght and prove them when you’re in the studio.
When you record a demo, the best you can do is to take a look at yourself and to make sure you don’ t create a false impression because hey, nobody can do all. Chose the niche you are best suited for and be positive! Everything sounds better with a smile.
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici atFreeDigitalPhotos.net