We, at ProRomanianVoices, believe that giving back to the community is as important as the business itself. Here you will find some interesting stuff about the “craft” of VoiceOver, small tips on how to be a better voice/client and health advice. We hope you will enjoy this section and feel free to comment on our Facebook page- ProRomanianVoices

Published: 20 Sep 2013


*Pop* excuse me, *blop* oups, that won’t happen again!

voiceover mouth

Mouth noise can be a real problem when you record something.It has many causes, from medication side effects to stress hormones. But don’t worry, there are a lot of things you can do to fix it!

Firstly, try to keep your mouth from drying. You can add some lemon juice to your water and constantly drink it throughout the day. Also, try to stay away from air conditioners and heat. Keep yourself hydrated and remember to control your breathing!

Avoid salty food and eat more veggies and fruits.Because of their high amount of water you will easily stay hydrated and healthy.

As an emergency solution you can use the chewing gum to stimulate the saliva flow. Buy a pack of gum and chew it during the breaks. Don’t forget to take it out before you speak!

If the problem persists then you should consult a doctor to see if there is a medical condition.

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