We, at ProRomanianVoices, believe that giving back to the community is as important as the business itself. Here you will find some interesting stuff about the “craft” of VoiceOver, small tips on how to be a better voice/client and health advice. We hope you will enjoy this section and feel free to comment on our Facebook page- ProRomanianVoices
Published: 28 Sep 2013
The voices in our heads
Many people are shocked the first time they discover their recorded voice.
It may sound a bit nasal, childish, different, abnormal.
Actually, THAT is normal. That is the voice that the others hear when you speak. The voice that you hear, comes from your head and it is distorted by the bones of your skull.
The difference between the voice we hear and the one that is actually heard has a big influence on our, shaking our image of ourselves. Just like a photo, or a video recording.
Don’t panic! The very first step of any kind of improvement is to take a look at yourself and understand you are all unique and that you must accept and love yourselves just as you are.
What you need when facing this issue is impersonal and encouraging feedback that will help you improve your skills-set. Voice training may also help!
After people become more aware of these facts they start feeling better about the sound of their voice and become more confident.
Image courtesy of artur84 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net